Peerless Immortal Surrounded by Demonic DisciplesCh27.2 - You Little Punk


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Translator's Note

Qin Jun’s courtesy name

Translator's Note

兰陵 – lit. ‘Blue hill’

Translator's Note

魔君 – lit. ‘Demon ruler’. I left this in pinyin because there’s already a demon lord

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  1. Huanhuan!! We need you!!~ was it you on the last paragraph of this chapter?

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. Oh dear… Jiang Yinhe’s rep is being tossed around like a rag doll ;-;

    Thank you for the chapter!!!!!

  3. Qin jun is an entertaining guy ahhaah, yeah is the leader supposed to be li huanhuan? The artifacts supposed to be helpful Jiang yanghe i guess? I miss him huhu

    Thanks for the chapter~

  4. Chang Ye is a fuzzy devil then? Why else would he be worried If his Shizun likes that kind? 😅

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Thanks for the chapter!

    Ah, so he…wants to be scolded, huh. I see…

  6. Aaaah Huanhan!!! Is that you??👀

    I agree with Sahl, please come back, I missed you so much🥺

    Thank u for the chapter! 💕

  7. I just love it when Huanhan curses…🙈🤭

  8. Omg. Huanhan. Aiyoo Li-er.. I see you are starting to build your own domain. And kidnap shizun and kill evsryone who disagrees. Just kiddin. 🤣

  9. Wild thought, what if all the three disciples were one person of different time incarnation? The narratives said they’re of the same power capacity. HAHAHAHA see what no sleep do to meh. I really need to continue this tomorrow. 🤡

  10. It would be awesome if they’re all the same person, as i don’t think they would be able to share at ALL lol! If not then Huanhan i’m rooting for you!!