Peerless Immortal Surrounded by Demonic DisciplesCh27.1 - You Little Punk


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  1. Okay but that hair braiding part was so cuuutee (almost made me forget LHH’s temp departure, almost u-u) But a bit surprised that CY didn’t do anything more than hugging JYH :0

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. I like pistachios.

    He should then dress in green!!! Huanhan is already red, Qin Jun is silver…

    Thanks for the chapter:3

  3. Hehehe Shizun, you don’t know the damage you do to your disciples~

    Thank you for the chapter!

  4. Oh no why is Jun er so cute this chapter jshsjdd that braid🥺💕 this is becoming more and more difficult to decide😔

    Thank uu for the update~

    Rain and Sahl comments got me👌🤣🤣

  5. Little did he know, his three disciples all desired a different kind of love from him…

    Me: system fault! But, good job system

    System: oooppesiee

  6. Hmm 3 different kinds of love? Maybe erotic, romantic, and pure love? Idk I feel like they all show examples of all of those types.

  7. Honestly I really like all disciple equally. Everyone has their own charm. But still i like chang ye maybe a little more because he is cute 😭