Peerless Immortal Surrounded by Demonic DisciplesCh25 - A Big Commotion


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  1. The authors note is killing me ahh 😂😂 Thanks for the chapter!! Shijie wait its not what it seems!!!

  2. Hahaha~ Yan Caiwei shijie is so funny~ But author, what did you mean? Nothing will happen to Shizun, right~?

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. I know in the synopsis our dear translator said it’d be a monogamic ending, but I would definitely not mind some happy 3P interactions till then lol… Wonder where we’re going with this aphrodisiac stuff. Also who did our MC fall on?? Li Huanhan?

  4. That author note though, I can’t wait for the next Chapter!

    Also, I can’t be the only one reading ‘ immortal cultivator’ as immoral when it comes to Li Huanhuan.

    Thanks for the chapter and for your hard work <3

  5. Whoa! That could have gone in other way… But these three disciples hate each other too much to ‘cooperate’, I guess.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. tsk tsk tsk it’s just a group hug [thank you for the chapter ❤️] (I was reading this chapter when I thought of feral disciplines when shizun gets kidnapped or maybe injured,,,)

  7. Love that the disciples didn’t take advantage of the situation. And Yan-shijie… You think your passion root-less shidi would have that kind of thoughts? He still has a long way to go (sadly)… But omg the author is making me too curious now! What is gonna happen next chapter?!

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  8. Thank you so much for your wonderful work. 🥰🙏

  9. author’s note makes me imagine things I’m too ashamed to admit to have knowledge of 😂

    Thanks for the chapter!

  10. Ahahahahah what an misunderstanding… Steamy time with shizun next chapter?? Praying for li huanhuan, i root for him.

    Thanks for the chapter~

  11. Author’s note be playing with me😳 how can anything goes as I hope when the three don’t get along…. All three would be nice😏 but I’m still cheering Huanhan🥺 even tho it’s probs not😪

    Thank u for the update! ~

  12. I say… this system is a bit black-hearted ba? It’s making our dear immortal JY to paddle n number of boats without even realizing it 😂

    Thanks for the chapter!! 💕💕💕


    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  14. Please tell me Shizun fell on Li Huanhan…🙈

  15. I was unhappy at first when I couldn’t find which one of them is the ml and I was thinking some scenarios about the two of the disciples who would have been rejected but I discovered a spoiler and now Im happy.