Peerless Immortal Surrounded by Demonic DisciplesCh22 - Shizun, Don’t Move


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  1. Li Huanhan really is sweet (to JYH)… My heart has a pit full of love for him so I hope nothing bad will happen to him ><

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. Huanhuan jiayou! You can win your Shizun’s heart before Qin Jun or Chang Ye snatches it (and my support)!!

    Thank you for the chapter~

  3. Uwaaaaa I really ship Huanhuan and Yinghe.. author-san please spare us huhu.. I really prefer Huanhuan over Qinjun and Changye thooooo..

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  4. Li Huanhuan is not my favorite 😅 but he’s certainly straightforward!! Anyone else could have understood who his love was, except for his dummy Shizun.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. LHH, fighting!!

    I hope that all of them can be the same person, because I really don’t want to see them sad~ 😭😭😭

  6. You go Huanhan! Get your man! I’m rooting for you Thank you so much for the chapter <3

  7. I wish that the next time I’ll read “Shizun, don’t move” was when they were tangled on bed, with JYH gasping underneath the ML’s body.

  8. Author’s note is scaaaary. It was a long time but I kind of calmed down. Maybe author-san just reaaaaally wanted to emphasize that Shizun is the only one for Huanhuan. ( ・﹏・)

    What to do if these disciples are not 3 in 1? It sounds heartbreaking~

    Thanks for the chapter

  9. Huanhan is the best hubby ever ! Ihope you get the shizun! Qin Jun is second and chang ye…. well i guess hes alright

    thanks for the chapter!

  10. C’mon HuanHan!! Go get your Shizun before those two!! I’m rooting for you!😘

    That is…if they aren’t all the same person….

  11. This is the first time I wat it to be harem novel. I don’t want anyone to dissappoint, they all pitiful my heart almost break.

  12. This guy still had hair!

    This is so funny for me 😂😂.

    And what is that author! Don’t raise death flag over our Huanhan just like that! 😤

  13. I just come up with the theory that these 3 brats have one body since they only have light souls in them.

  14. Jiang Yinghe has lived for over 1000 years and he still has a stick up his butt about whether someone is bent or not? Ugh. So annoying.

    And the devotion to going back to earth, it doesn’t make sense to me at all, especially after 1,000 years. The author could at least explain why he still wants to go back, but no, we don’t know anything. ( ҂⌣̀_⌣́)

  15. LHH!! I’m already so upset that I’m expecting heartbreak for him! QAQ

    Honestly. Heartbreak for any of them is gonna make me cry. I’m already so attached to these boys!