Peerless Immortal Surrounded by Demonic DisciplesCh11 - A Lone Exception


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Translator's Note

万物残霞 – lit. ‘Tens of thousands of scattered dawn’

Translator's Note

君子帖 – lit. “Gentleman’s invitation’

Translator's Note

断舍离 – lit. ‘Break away willingly’

Translator's Note

It’s basically someone who’s pretending to be a pure white lotus when they’re really just a calculating schemer

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  1. Haiz, I really want to know the author of the novel, ‘My Days in the Cultivation World being Pampered by Three Powerful Lovers’.

    Thanks for the chapter~~😁😁

  2. It’s okay, I’m glad you’re able to post it here now and that you’re issues are hopefully settled!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  3. Ok.. I want to know if this really is 1 x 3, then there’s a scene to incounter foursome moment!!?? 🤔🤔

  4. So far, I really don’t know who the ML will be… Li Huanhan is very likely ig, but then I think what if the three disciples are actually one person and that is the ML? I mean, very unlikely but saves me the trouble of thinking who endgame will be lol ^^;

    Thanks for the chapters! 🙂

  5. 1v1? That’s surprising. Also Huanhuan, don’t misunderstand. This would’ve very likely been a scum gong story if not for you gaining competition​

  6. 1v1? I wonder how it would be. The “green tea bitch” is currently leading! The other 2 shixiongs must be full of grievances Hahaha~

    Thanks for translating 💕

  7. Thank you for the chapter~!!!!!

    I really like Shizun’s three disciples so far lmao I can’t stop laughing at their interactions

  8. Hahahahahaha green tea b*tch xD oh gahd.. and thank you so much for clarifying it’s 1v1 HE because I was kinda worried it would stir on the harem direction xD lol

    Thank you so much for the chapters!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  9. Just caught up to date, and so many laughs from how hungry all his disciples are. Thanks for the chapter!

  10. So If this si 1v1 then… What happens to the other two? Plus.. Who is the ML over here??????? Jeez I can’t wait! Btw.. When will the next update will be? i lost track of the days hehe. 😅

  11. Lol is it bad that green tea bitch Third disciple is my fav hehehe I kinda want to see the consequences of the other two who got pitted by him 🙃

  12. I like Chang Ye best… But I don’t know how any of them Will be able to defeat the other two.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  13. I hope it’s the first disciple!! My heart is soft for him and him alone!

  14. Out of the 3 disciples, Chang Ye is the one I don’t like the most out of the three. Well, as of this moment anyway.