Peerless Immortal Surrounded by Demonic DisciplesCh10 - Conscientious Sect Siblings


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  1. Oooh, Chang Ye is the perfect template for a white lotus–soft, easy to scare, have endless tears… Hehe

    Thanks for the chap!

  2. I disagree that none of the disciples are good people! They are good people towards their shizun!!!

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. Chang Ye is ready to protect his Shizun, Buuuut could he win against the other two?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. thank you for the chapter!!!

    how can they all be sooo freaking bad, i mean, Shizun, you dug your own grave man….

  5. Who is the ML? I hope not the 3rd green tea bitch?

  6. Their names are so long, sometimes I get confused hahaha I’m still confused about who will conquer Shizun =P

  7. Can’t Jiang yinghe just ask the system what the progress bars are for??? Seems like the first thing I would do in this situation