PeachCh98 - Returning to the Capital


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  1. “He was the only one to bring his dragon back to his nest as his lover.” 🥰😍🥰. My heart melts.

    Thank you for the mass release (even if it ends on a cliffie.). Be well.

  2. Awww I really loved all your translations! You’ll be missed~ Hopefully all good with you! Thank you so much for all your hard work :3

  3. You did a wonderful job at translating Beansprout-sama! Thank you so much!!❤

    Hope that you’re doing well!!

  4. Dear Beansprout, thank You so much for Your marvelous work and sharing amazing novels with us! Hope everything will be alright on Your side and good luck with Your own novel! One more time thank You and take care and hope to see You soon~💛❤

  5. Thank you very much for your excellent translations and commitment in regular updates. The characters come alive under your translation. Also enjoyed your delightful comments at the end of many chapters! Hope you will come back to this circle in near future. Best wishes to you and keep well😊

  6. Thank you for your lovely translations! I hope everything is or will be ok in your real life! Take good care 💕

  7. Dear Beansprout, Thank you for translating so many wonderful stories for us to read! We’ll miss you greatly <3

  8. Oh, wow… thanks for the chapter! You’re an excellent translator, and I’m sad to see you go…. Good luck with everything!

  9. Thank you for translating this far if it weren’t for u I wouldn’t know this amazing novel ❤️❤️❤️

  10. Thank you for all your hard work, this is a great translation, and a really fun book! Hope everything is OK for you!


  11. Beansprout, I hope the real life that interrupted your work involves something more exciting or just all around better! Thank you for all your work, your interaction with readers and for such a smooth transition to a new translator. Welcome EllaBells!

  12. It’s very interesting that Dan Yi is the first to bring his Dragon home as his lover. I had thought it was relatively normal for a Phoenix even if it’s not what his father did.

  13. I’m late to the club bc I just caught up now x’D Maybe you won’t see this anymore but thx for all your hard work and wish you all the best with your RL matters :3

  14. I just found this novel last week and marathon read all the chapters. I’m sad to hear that you need to leave this project, please take care of yourself and I hope whatever real life issues had come up were not serious and you had managed to settle them.

  15. Your translation was so good..

    Anyway, thank you for all this time.. Stay well.. Sayonara..

  16. thank you bringing the novel to us readers!! I really enjoy reading. this 🙂

    off topic: im glad we got confirmation that Dan Yi’s dad isn’t dead and just off holidaying somewhere xD it’s very in line with what we’ve heard about his dad i can just imagine him randomly throwing the reins to Dan Yi one day and declaring he wants to retire