PeachCh88 - Recruiting Soldiers


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Translator's Note

This is like a stir-fry of random ingredients, usually with soy sauce and lard. You can put literally anything in it, but usually there’s a mix of meat and vegetables. You can also make it out of leftovers. 杂烩菜 show pic.

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  1. Qiqi and Dan Yi being physically affectionate is love~ likes the hugs and nuzzles and hand holding here and there

    Thank you for the updates 🥰

  2. I’m calling it now. The boy who asked for work not the taels of silver is either gonna be promoted to the elite forces or at least be a recurring character.

    at least I hope so ☆⌒(ゝ。∂)

  3. More victims in chickens,rip! And our bois are on way to making splendor in the fief (「`・ω・)「

    Thank You for the new chapters! 💛🐔

  4. Why those poor chicken again? They did nothing wrong :’D But can I have a bit of them? I want to eat meat ;__;

    Thx for the ch ٩(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )و