PeachCh70 - Revenge


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Translator's Note

Actually the direct Chinese translation of 清者为天浊者地,太素无心两相宜 is ‘The pure are the heavens and the filthy are the earth. Plainness and lack of desire are the most suitable.

Translator's Note

The actual phrase in Chinese is ‘Wuyin Shitai, he zhou chi cai!’, which means ‘Abbess Wuyin, eat porridge with vegetables!’ ROFL. It is utter rubbish even in Chinese, and the point of this sentence is that the last word rhymes (tai and cai rhyme. That’s why I’ve changed the sentence this way.

Translator's Note

The Hufa is like a second-in-command, and like the Ministers of the Left and Right in the Imperial Court, it appears that there are Left and Right Hufa as well.

Translator's Note

This is an uncouth way for a female to refer to herself. It’s got “like a boss” vibes as well. The literal meaning is ‘this old lady’.

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  1. Birdie Gong: You can have a chicken wing or a chicken neck, but you absolutely can’t have my chicken. 🐔
    Thanks for your hard work translating!

  2. I think I need to learn this word – Laoniang – and maybe get a tattoo or put it on a shirt. Hey I wonder what that grey powder was that Qiqi handed to his brother 🤔

  3. Chang er so badass, she’s a strong independent women!!! I always wonder why do these large companies do things that bring disaster to themselves till I remembered that there is this thing called temptation and greed. Such a pity that all these women that are innocent being dragged into these mess that they just because they happen to be disciples of the sect.

    Thanks for the chapter! I binged the whole thing within one day and I love this novel already!!!

  4. hahaha awesome mama!

    on another note, i love how Qiqi always refers to her mom as “his little fairy” 🥺