PeachCh69 - Infatuation


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Translator's Note

“Xiao” is a Chinese flute, “Shao” means ancient music, and “Jiu Cheng” means that there are nine parts to it.

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  1. That “you don’t need to appear in person”, hahaha.. I thought the same lolol

    Thx for the ch and I hope you had a nice time too :3

  2. Qiqi what are you going to do? You cunning little brat you making me nervous! One more time Merry Christmas Beansprout!

  3. A belated Merry Christmas to you! With the notification error I didn’t know I’d missed an update until now. QAQ
    Dan Yi and Ren Zongmie are like a chicken and a duck talking. 🤭
    Thanks for your hard work translating!

  4. “She suddenly felt like she’d been stabbed hard in the back and nearly tripped and fell.” Haha instead of defending against this Sect’s trademark attack, Qing Luo’s martial arts worked against her by letting her hear it 😄

    Chen Ziqi, on the other hand, had a natural defense against the same type of “attack” by being happy to hear it! Gotta love him.