PeachCh68 - Arcane Sects


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Translator's Note

Duanchang grass is gelsemium elegans in English. It’s a poisonous plant that’s also known as “heartbreak grass”. “Duanchang” means heartbreak, and its literal meaning is ‘breaking the intestines’.

Translator's Note

There’s a double meaning here in Chinese. He could be referring to himself in the third person as ‘this bird’, and he could also be talking about his lower bird.

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  1. Hahaha those all sects are so funny. Qiqi you’re gonna not only lose your fish but also your innocence at this rate of letting Dan Yi eat vinegar!

  2. Yay, Qiqi interaction with one of the visiting sects!

    Also. Gurl. Qing Luo is so unprofessional and spoiled lmao. You make a mistake and stop dancing? In a performance??? Before the Palace Master, Dan Yi?????

    ….mhmm sure, you’ll definitely win some respect and admiration that way.

    Thank you for the chapter! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

  3. Suddenly I regret squandering the part of my youth that included arrogant rivals. Not once when I showed them my teeth, did I think to have a chicken wing dangling from them 😕. The Arcane Sect Leaders sound a lot like the ruffians Chen Ziqi was with before he went to the Palace.

  4. I’m so ready for the drama about to come with this spoiled miss omg. Thanks for the chapter!

  5. I really want to adopt The Thousand Poisons Sect Leader as my uncle. He’s the sort that kids love and parents warn of being a bad influence! I’m really fond of all the arcane sects so far! These side characters have a lot of charm!
    Qing Luo on the other hand… this toad wants to eat swan meat.
    Thanks for your hard work translating!

  6. Actually… everything eats chickens. Apparently, chicken is the single most delicious thing in the world. Even herbivorous animals will eat them sometimes. Chickens also eat chicken (as well as anything else that fits down their throat, including insects, reptiles, amphibians, mammals…). If a chicken in a flock is injured and bleeding, you need to cover the wound with a dye or isolate it. Otherwise, all the other chickens, upon seeing red, will attack it and peck the wound to eat the blood and meat, killing their former flockmate. There’s even a special wound treatment for chickens, called ‘Blu-kote’, which contains gentian violet, a very tenacious dye that turns anything it touches a blueish color. VERY tenacious. From personal experience, I don’t recommend spilling it on your skin, unless you want to spend a week or more looking diseased.