PeachCh66 - Giving Offence


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  1. I suspect the Feathered Ones Are Quetzals? Bird + snake? Wrong mythos I guess. 😆

    But is that book a way to get future male consorts used to the idea? What’s the rest of the story? Thank you

  2. So cute, checking on guards AND getting info on the sly! Thanks for the chapter 🤣 gasp what an interesting novel within a novel…

  3. »Chen Ziqi threw down Tu Buxian’s claw the moment he saw Dan Yi..«

    TBX’s little bit healed bone: crack

    And that guy in the novel survived that? Poor guy, first he gets raped out of nowhere, is suddenly pregnant and has to cut his own stomach open :’D Shitty story lol

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶

  4. These two were so flirty this chapter! 😍 Dan Yi instantly indulging Qiqi by carrying him (plus that light spank for misbehaving!), Qiqi teasing him with the fluffy end of a piece of grass.. so cute! <3
    The only brothers I like that Qiqi has are of course Ah Mu and Brown Berry. 🤔 Not that you’re meant to really like these older princes! I’m glad that blackworm has been removed a long time now- both of these poisonous brothers tried using it as a bargaining chip!
    Thanks for your hard work translating!