PeachCh51 - Tianwen


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Translator's Note

Shifu is how you would address your master in martial arts.

Translator's Note

Addressing an elder in martial arts as Shibo (pronounced shih buo) indicates that that person is not your direct master, but is one of the masters of the sect.

Translator's Note

Qingchen means ‘light dust’

Translator's Note

Yes, Lan Jiangxue really says ‘geese’, and it’s not a metaphor. You’ll understand why in a later chapter.

Translator's Note

This term will be explained in the main text below. The direct translation is “Heaven’s Question”.

Translator's Note

This is a Chinese idiom that means a place is really remote and/or forsaken.

Translator's Note

In proper usage, this is a children’s game where one kid (or the parent, where available) pretends to be an “old eagle” who wants to catch the mother bird’s young chicks. The kids all line up behind the mother bird with their hands holding the hips of the kid in front, and the mother bird has to try and stop the old eagle from catching her chicks. It’s very fun. :3 However, in the present context, I invite you to let your mind roll around in the gutter as to what the ‘little bird’ refers to.

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  1. Pfffttt i find the fact they’re all birds way too funny. Do you think there are some treasure hoarding magpies as well?

  2. Yes, Lan Jiangxue really says ‘geese’, and it’s not a metaphor. You’ll understand why in a later chapter.

    = can someone explain? Did I miss it?

  3. I suppose you could say the people in the various wings are based on looks, but not in the way Qiqi is thinking of exactly! 😂 Its a fun game to spot the bird species associated with the wings!
    Thanks for your hard work translating!