The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh90 - Women’s Dress


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  1. Ok so now I’m DUMBFOUNDED

    Wasn’t the lightening tribulation outdone by Big Miss when she was dressing up as the male cousin??? ( her real gender) then why did Lin shu say that big miss was the one who fainted then? Did I miss something? Does he he know she’s a guy??😂 HELP

  2. hehe when will our little hamster be enlightened? (hopefully not on their wedding night, that would be too much of a shock for the two of them lol~)

    Thank you for the chapter~

    Also a belated merry christmas~

  3. Gosh, I’m female but if I’m going to go undercover in a foreign region , I would not want to wear a dress. 😭

  4. This will be fun… Although I actually can’t wait for the reveal of Lin Shu’s real gender and Ling Fenxiao’s reaction 😂

    What I’m actually wondering about though, is what face will Lin Shu use? Bc if he uses the image of Folding Bamboo, whom Northern Xia is frantically looking for, it would be even more unsafe than going in his current appearance…