The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh85 - Resounds


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  1. This is so sad. Lin Shu could save Li Yamao, but What about all those other men Who don’t deserve to die as cannon-fodder? ☹️

    Ohhh, Lin Shu’s low mood moved Ling Fengxiao?! She’s going out to comfort him?!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Oh no.. Lin Shu finally coming out of his secular world, brought by Big Miss and Li Family’s warmth and care, only to knock head first into the harsh way of reality…

    Hoping Big Miss and lil hamster Shu can cuddle each other soon! ><

    Thank you for the chapter! 💙

  3. Yeeesss, now he has someone else in the academy!!!

    Is Big Miss coming out for Lin Shu’s sake? ♡μ♡ Thanks for the chapter♡