The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh80 - Bamboo Rats


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  1. You know I feel like most of the reason it just doesn’t occur to Lin Shu to doubt LFX gender is because of his master. Like it just never enters his mind that his master would betroth two men together so all of the hints of LFX being a man just fly right over his head. Kind of the same reason LFX is convinced Lin Shu is female.

  2. Ohhh well, we know now why does Ling Fengxiao needs to have a woman’s body. It’s not Just a disguise. Then… That means he can’t never stay as a man for long?!

    Thanks for the chapter!

    • Bamboo rats, different family from city rats. In the same spirit, guinea pigs are also eaten in south America.

  3. I have a feeling this Xie Zishe… Will actually not mind that Big Miss is originally a man. Like since he can change into a woman, that’s good enough for her lol

  4. Mr. Men’s story might just actually solidify Lin Shu’s thoughts about Big Miss’ gender instead of making him go into the right direction. 😅