The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh78 - There is More Than Meets the Eye


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  1. ” When I grow up, I will meet her.” Is this another case of “him” and “her” sound the same when spoken but is written differently? If so … lol!

    • Remember LFX thought that LinShu is a girl ever since.. probably it’s her slip again like the ‘fiancee’ from previous chaps.. and her/him spoken the same too, so LS hadn’t noticed. 🙂

  2. ……. you’ve worked hard Big Miss. But unfortunately.. your little hamster is still…facepalm

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  3. The head banging is True… Of course Lin Shu doesn’t understand! You’re overestimating the hamster, Ling Fengxiao!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. It’s funny how LS and LFX both are spinning around in different orbits 😂

  5. Lin Shu: la señorita es tan asombrosa, que se puede hacer pasar a la perfección por un hombre.

    El hermano shao: suelta un suspiro de alivio por fin esta cosita estupida ah abierto los ojos, siento que me quito un bulto de encima.

  6. This situation… Are they only going to realize it on their wedding night? I can’t handle this second hand embarrasment 😭😂😂

    And Shushu, you’re just too cute really.

  7. They say Lin Shu once drowned, right? Than that means that is the time when his soul from this world, where the spiritual energy is abundant, go from the modern world. Then his master here and there(modern world) are just one entity. Then the story start when Lin Shu(the original body) drowned once again is the time when the original soul came back right? Welp!! We will know it I’ll just go and continue reading.

  8. They’re both confused hahahaha. Big Miss thinks Lin Shu is a female crossdresser, and Lin Shu thinks that Big Miss disguised herself as cousin. I can’t blame Lin Shu, it is a possibility after all (since all this time, he has only known Big Miss and she’s always been surrounded by girls who probably didn’t know either). But for someone of Big Miss’ intelligence, how could he think that Lin Shu is female??? 😒