The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh66 - Missing Her


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Translator's Note

“圆”Yuan=round, circle,(the cat looks like a fluffy round ball)

Translator's Note

“清”Qing=clear, honest, pure, not corrupt

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  1. Ling (Feng)xiao has too many identities; it’s enough to give a guy a complex! How can he miss you when he spends all his time with you? Also, if he gets too comfortable with your alternate identities, wouldn’t you get jealous of yourself? I can’t help feeling like Lin Shu is being wronged, even if it’s good for plot tension.

    Thank you for your hard work translating this! I definitely also got curious when Folding Bamboo and Endless Yearning showed up again ^^

  2. Ling Xiao is taking advantage of Lin Shu as a man, but then he wants him to be missing him as a woman?! Or he’s trying to know If his manliness is seducing LS and making him forget he liked Ling Fengxiao?! 😅

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Lin Shu seemingly time traveled, and maybe he’ll be able to do it again… so I think it’s feasible to say he could be Emperor Ye?

    I don’t know… Am I overthinking? Not thinking at all??

    Ling Fengxiao is quite fun hehehe

    Thanks for the chapter♡

    • we have the same thoughts actually, hehehehe. he might be, then i can fairly say, there’s no problem with my brain coz someone thinking the same.. or as the cat said….we are smart hahahaha