The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh51 - The Heavenly Stairway


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  1. That planted rose is going to have swords for thorns. Everyone, please have at least three shields ready!!!!

    ON ANOTHER NOTE, THANKS FOR THE CHAPTER, it’s great to see Hamster Shu and “Cousin” Lingxiao’s interactions, it’s so funny and cute~

  2. Lingxiao is being too attentive. Lin Shu is not gonna suspect anything? How naive.

    Thanks for the chapter!

    • he’s daft… hahaha in a cute way.. i love his innocence, he doesn’t have any idea about relationship and about people.. partly because of his past.. a lot of development coming guys, stay tuned 🙂

  3. Oh. This is similar to Soul Land’s steps where Tang San and friends had to undergo the same thing, but each of them had a different number of steps required based on the color of their spirit power potential.