The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh43 - Living Corpse


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  1. This chapter was so sweet! Even if Lin Shu is misunderstanding a lot, i’m glad he is caring for Ling Fengxiao some, it seems to mean a lot to LFX.

  2. The hamster is doing well. His goal must be to take care of Ling Fengxiao!

    As for that living corpse, is she going after Lin Shu?

    Thanks for the chapter!

    • suppose to be, but since the culprit is looking for his female counterpart Folding Bamboo, it would attack to kill him instead… silencing witnesses you know.

  3. Poor LFX, going through what must have been a great deal of pain at a young age. Glad they have a little hamster now.

    OOO, the plot thickens!

    Thanks for sharing <3

  4. Not sure if any body recalls however when they talked about that pill that allows you to completely change your appearance,it was mentioned that it wouldn’t change your bone structure…and LFX just so happened to learn a skill that can help her change her bones 👀👀👀

    • Yikes, scary that blood poisoning is already inside the academy!

      Oh, my sweet summer child, Big Miss already knows you are Folding Bamboo. 😅 No need to worry about Big Miss, worry about your classmates who might ask why you’re in the ship if only the top 30 are supposed to be in there.