The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh38 - You like it?


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  1. Aiyaaaaah (≧▽≦) Young miss is acting all suave over his wife! Stay strong Lin Shu, the rich “wife” has finally come to hug you!

    Thanks for the update 💕

  2. Hahahaha. Ling Fengxiao is giving his all, huh? Too Bad Lin Shu doesn’t understand a thing. He should ask for clarification instead of Just go with the Flow!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. ….So, hubby’s first time hugging resulted in wifey fainting directly…. Xiao Shao… be more understanding please.

    Thanks for the chapters!!

  4. I almost fainted with him — someone with socio phobia and an aversion to touch won’t be comfortable being hugged on a horse, no matter how romantic… TvT

  5. Thanks for the chapter! Little salted fish LS’s heart won’t be getting a break from now on 😂