The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh37 - Don’t Be Afraid


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  1. Ling Fengxiao is so nice. He can be ferocious but he’s really gentle sometimes.

    Ohhh, then this incident from 20 years ago is the reason for Ling Fengxiao’s disguise? No Wonder he thinks Lin Shu is disguised too.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. wait a minute though, their hiding the students identities in the dreamscape but what about them going to the realm? wouldn’t that be like giving away that these 30 students are the best of the best?

  3. Ah, I think I get it. why Fengxiao thought Lin Shu was a woman, was because of the dreamscape. he now thinks that Lin Shu is a woman who is cross-dressing like him.