The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh30 - Good and obedient


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  1. LS ah you’re just so cute being obedient. LF… wanting to be near LS is cite too though I think he just wants to observe LS more.

    Thnks for the update.

  2. Xiao Shao is trying to make room for Lin Shu?! Or he’s trying to be inconspicuous!

    Thanks for the chapter!

    • I think he doesn’t want to go anymore, since Lin Shu doesn’t want to go. that why she kept on asking Lin Shu if he wants to go.

      If Lin Shu were to enter among the 30 later, believe me, he would immediately challenge someone among that rank and enter. ╮(╯▽╰)╭ he can’t have his beau going alone such a dangerous place.

  3. LMAOO LFX decided not to go because his little hubby said he didn’t want the token! Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Haha. Confirmed. Xiao shao is ling feng. He purposely drop himself to rank31. He predicted, whoever squeezed into the top30 rank is LinShu. When the time come, he will challange linShu and make his rank dropped to 31. The proces will be repeated untill linshu doesn’t have any other choice and go back to lingfeng and agree to accept the token.. what a black belly ML..