The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh24 - Little liar


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  1. Poor Lin Shu, he doesn’t understand what’s happening. And Ling Fengxiao being all cryptic doesn’t help at all.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. “He clearly realised the fact that his brain really wasn’t nimble.” “I just want you, and your strange species, to be far away from me. ” Haha, little salted fish LS thinks that he’s just a mere dimwitted salted fish unworthy of the pufferfish husband 😂

  3. What a mess….

    I`m just really hoping there is a magic pill or technique he will find to get his meridians and powers back soon, damn..

    Thank you for the chapter!!

  4. Ok but Xiao Lingyang suddenly acting like one of those stereotypical k-drama mothers is so funny lmaooo

    Xiao Lingyang: “Take these treasures and leave my sister alone!!!! Men like you are not worthy!!!!!!”

    Lin Shu, who just wants to cultivate and live peacefully: ??????