The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh206 - Separation and Reunion


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Translator's Note

 remember that Guiltless, in white have the same face as Lin Shu if he was younger…same as Yingying

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  1. Thank you so much for the chapter! I actually thought the young Lin Shu’s body would be folding bamboo sword being enlightened but having no soul somehow. Totally didn’t expect it to be… Ahem someone else. This is all tying together nicely but man, the heartbreak at the end! The author is really giving us an emotional rollercoaster.

  2. Damnn.. I thought this story is very light when I read it the first time..

    Of course, what do I expect to the author of the Little Mushroom?

    I freaking underestimated this story (ಥ_ಥ)

    Not your typical cross dressing cultivation pretty boy shit

    The sypnosis is very misleadinggg really thought this one’s gonna be a complete comedy (got slapped instead)

  3. Qinglu being Lin Shu’s master was sort of already foretold at the moment of his introduction as Qinglu. This sort of just explains it.

    What I want to know now is what the Great Wizard meant when he said he was killed 20 years ago by Lin Shu.