The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh202 - A Lifelong Obsession


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Translator's Note

chinese crab apple flowers

Translator's Note

awww my heart :blobaww:

Translator's Note

Lin Shu back in the ghost city

Translator's Note

 the reveal!!!

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  1. The future is now the past and all roles are assigned by fate… still hoping for that happy ending after everything winds and unwinds!

  2. I need a recap…what??? so this whole story is just one never-ending circle? I need help…probably going to reread this😂

    Thanks for the chapter!❤️

  3. We are at the pr esentttt, the moment where all asnwers began OwO — The master and the wizard’s true origins and purposes AAAAaaaaa

  4. I’ve long guessed this since the earliest chapters. 😅 I only want to know how he came to kill the great wizard 20 years before meeting him.