The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh182 - To Yield Without Force


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Translator's Note

止戈为武 [interpretation] it means that the word “martial arts” is a combination of the word “Zhige”, so to stop the war is the real martial arts. Later, it also means to make the other party yield without force, which is the real martial arts…or  stop the enemy from stop the use of weapons and avoid war

Translator's Note

置之死地而后生 — Idiom based on Sunzi’s “The Art of War”

Translator's Note

爵 [jué] is a chinese ritual bronze tripod vessel.

Translator's Note

“又来征战地,不见有人还” The origin of the battlefield, no one returned. From the work “Guan Shan Yue” by Li Bai, a poet in the Tang Dynasty. This poem writes about the mutual thoughts of the soldiers on the border and their wives far away from home, which deeply reflects the suffering of the general public caused by the war.

Translator's Note

here Xiao Shao fears that the resentment within him will start enjoying the act of killing and thereby overtaking his sanity and making him lose control

Translator's Note

they cut a strand of their hair and knotted it as a form of marriage in ancient times

Translator's Note

‘始知兵者为凶器,圣人不得已而用之’ Only know that the use of soldiers is a dangerous thing, the saint will not use it deliberately, only use it when forced to do so! [From] Li Bai

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

north, south, east, west, up and down

Translator's Note

Guiltless is very evil- anyone who used it could be possessed by evil

Translator's Note

overestimating one’s strength

Translator's Note

powerful army

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  1. Thanks for chapter~

    Линь Шу так много раз говорил что не сомневается в Сяо Шао и всегда поддержит его. Это мило~

  2. Hi, sorry to bother you, but i wanted to ask for your permission to translate this novel into Spanish, if there isn’t a translation yet. I will, of course give you the link to it and whole credits in case you decide to let me do it, if you don’t I completely understand though, thank you for taking the time to read this <33