The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh18 - The sword’s name is Folding Bamboo


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Translator's Note

Essentially, Lin Shu dug a hole for himself and now he’s struggling to get out.

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  1. We already know Who the hateful little Phoenix is, hehehe.

    Even Lin Shu’s savings of his entire life won’t be enough to buy everything he wants. He needs a Sugar daddy


    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. ” Lin Shu heard this and thought that his master would even wail piteously over him going to school. In fact, because his master had to succumb to the rules of modern society and had to send Lin Shu to school or be deprived of custody, his master wrote a long, depressed, unintelligible poem” 😂😂😂 LMAOOOOO, I imagined a bearded old man pouting while hunched over a notebook with a #2 pencil. Thanks for the chapter!

  3. I really really love this world the author created. And yes, I agree Mr. Meng. The poor bamboo forest was innocent.