The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh179 - The Yi Ri Divine Arrow


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Translator's Note

羿日神箭 The Sun God Yi’s Arrow (The Deity of the Sun in Chinese mythology or Star Lord of the Solar Palace, Lord of the Sun. In some mythologies, Tai Yang Xing Jun is believed to be Hou Yi.)

Translator's Note

believed to be the God of the Sun and Lord Archer

Translator's Note

huá tiān xià zhī dà jī be the biggest joke in the world ;   be the object of universal ridicule ;   make a great laughingstock of ;   absurd to the utmost.

Translator's Note

算不得什么。counter soldiers with arms, water with an earth (idiom); different situations call for different action2 to adopt measures appropriate to the actual situation.

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  1. Lmao catch him and accompany his same mentally deficit cousin 😂 skskskks

    OwO for ml thinking of not killing Xiao Xuan

  2. I was thinking that Xuan might have forgotten that he’s still under a spell that would detonate if Ling Fengxiao died, but then the last bit reminded us that Xuan still thinks about the “peerless beauties” and haven’t connected them to the Phoenix Big Miss. 😂