The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh167 - Concept of One’s Life


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Translator's Note

(‘逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜Time and tide wait for no man. Comes from Chinese classic “Analects” by Confucius( “The sage” here refers to Confucius.

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  1. Something fishy is going on between Lin Shu and great wizard . If he wants to he could have killed him.

    btw Thank you for the update ♡

  2. Thank you for the translation!!!!

    I also think that the wizard could be Xiao Shao, I mean he knows his sword technique… but he is still too weird… when he and Lin Shu first met, the wizard said something like “i found you” but if he is XS from the future wouldn’t he already know where to find LS? Is the Wizard is not XS, than maybe he is after Lord Taoyuan (and it is real strongly hinted that it’s LS himself).