The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh164 - A Debt of Blood Must Be Paid in Blood


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Translator's Note

娑婆 Suo Po World is also called the world of Forbearance – because the people of this world must endure ten sufferings (killing, stealing, lewdness, lies, verbal deceit, vicious language, provoking discord, greed, anger, ignorance.)
According to the Buddhist scriptures, all beings in the Suo Po world are sinful and must endure all kinds of suffering. The bodhisattvas and Buddhas such as Sakyamuni can endure fatigue and teach sentient beings in the filthy Suo Po world, showing great wisdom, compassion and courage.

Translator's Note

Multi-Level Marketing aka Pyramid Scheme. Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) is a strategy some direct sales companies use to encourage existing distributors to recruit new distributors who are paid a percentage of their recruits’ sales. In this case, it’s as if the Great Wizard is trying to recruit Xiao Shao.

Translator's Note

不是等闲之辈 – lit. not a leisurely idler, the meaning is that he is not someone who is mediocre and incapable.

Translator's Note

为众生抱薪于风雪 – The Great Wizard is referring to a quote which basically means that the person who contributed to society should not be left in a tragic situation to die in the dark. i.e. He sees himself as someone who is trying to save the world, and the world should support him.

Translator's Note

Xiao Shao is referring to 我等 – an archaic way of saying Us. Hence, he means that the suffering that the common people are experiencing is due to the failure of people like him/Great Wizard i.e. the people in positions of power.

Translator's Note

道不同,不相为谋 Chinese idiom. Metaphorically, people with different opinions or interests cannot work together.

Translator's Note

恕在下失陪了 – polite way of saying I got to go now/ gotta dash.

Translator's Note

疏言疏语 – A play using Lin Shu’s 疏, which can also mean sparse. 言语 refers to words. Hence it is (Lin) Shu’s words: I am a.

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  1. although happy life is good. but if humans do not experience suffering how can we appreciate something.

    oh my gosh in the midst of this anxiety I’m glad they are together

    thanks for the translation!

  2. I am still so angry about what happened to Peach Blossom Springs. The Great Wizard didn’t have to mess with that. Yes, a blood debt must be repaid.