The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh163 - Ascend to Paradise


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Translator's Note

登上西方净土,永远脱离了苦海。To ascend to paradise, forever leaving behind the secular world of suffering.

Translator's Note

Richly ornamented

Translator's Note

荒烟 refers to smoke of the wilderness, used to describe a desolate place.

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糖葫芦 Tang Hulu candied haws

Translator's Note

舍利佛 Sariputra was one of Buddha’s ten disciples, was known for wisdom.

Translator's Note

This is what Buddha told Sariputra, one of his disciples. 舍利佛……彼土何故名为极乐?其国众生,无有众苦,但受诸乐,故名极乐。

Translator's Note

Elysium or Paradise 阿弥陀经 – Amitabha Scripture, one of the Buddhist classics, also referred to as the Small Unlimited Lifespan Scripture or《小无量寿经》or Unlimited Lifespan Scripture《无量寿经》.)

Translator's Note

refers to earthly suffering

Translator's Note

揎拳拢袖 is a chinese idiom for clenching one’s fists and rolling up one’s sleeves – indicates the appearance of someone preparing to use force/getting ready for a fight.

Translator's Note

indicating displeasure or anger.

Translator's Note


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  1. What happened? even i was trapped by illusion. somehow I still believe that The great wizard is still full of schemes.

    thx for translate!