The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh152 - Criticized


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Translator's Note

躲得过初一,躲不过十五 figuratively meaning you can’t put it off forever, sooner or later, you’ll have to deal with it

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  1. actually Lin Shu is not that cold, he still feels longing and love for Ling Fengxiao

    want to see them together soon! please give me a dog food. I miss you guys interacting.

    and thanks to the hard working translator!

  2. Oh shit I caught up.

    Thanks for the chapter!! The book’s currently taking a dark turn, leading to an impending sense of doom deep down. My heart has to be squeezed and healed iver and over like was the case with Little Mushroom, so will most probably wait for the volume to be completed before binge reading.