The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh141 - Yingying


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Translator's Note


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    • I’m pretty sure when Xiao Shao was coming up with children names Xiao Wuque was the name he came up with for if they had a son. I think.

      • he actually just thought of having a daughter, so all names he thought of (for quite a long time was all for a daughter)..Yingying name won.. But then..they had a son instead and without even thinking about it..your name is Wuque.. Fruit begged to have the Xiao too lol, and xiao shao said, if he calls him Dad then he can have his mean really..he thought a lot for Yingying and just gave wuque a name like an after thought LOL

    • It was the mortal name given to Fruit. but they never call him that.. he is always called Fruit (coz they like to aggravate him all the time :P)

  1. They had another child 😭 Yingying finally came into existence skskkskss

    The heavenly signs made me worry if ml fell into deeper darkness

    Sometimes I miss the other characters :<