The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh140 - Qinglu


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Translator's Note

Literally means pavilion of hidden books; Library.

Translator's Note

This means that the collection is rich in content and vast as the sea.

Translator's Note

excessive bureaucracy or adherence to rules and formalities

Translator's Note

willing to absorb knowledge shared to them

Translator's Note

The ancient Chinese astronomers divided the stars visible in the sky into twenty eight parts, with seven places each in the east, west, south and north . The Southern part is the Suzaku Position /朱雀位. The Suzaku/Vermillion Bird 朱雀 is more venerated/noble than a Phoenix凤凰. It is a sacred animal representing the South, the color represented is red, and the season represented is summer.

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  1. Been thinking Lin Shu time-travelled and set up this timeline for himself as Lord Taoyuan since Vol 1