The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh139 - Sun and Moon


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Translator's Note

五色五音五味Lit. the five colors, five sounds, five tastes are taken from Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching. <<道德经 >>    The five colors in the Tao Te Ching are: blue, yellow, red, white, and black; the five sounds: Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng (zhǐ), and Yu; the five flavors: sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, and salty.  He uses these to symbolize the things of the secular world which stimulate people and encourage hedonism.

Translator's Note

What the author said is that they were not True Disciples or 真传弟子, who are the disciples who are personally taught all the knowledge and skills of their Master, and they must master it all. Hence if you are not True disciples, you are considered lower in rank as a disciple.

Translator's Note

怀璧其罪 metaphor of being jealous and persecuted for being talented.

Translator's Note

木已成舟 lit. the wood has already been made into a small boat. It means that it’s a foregone conclusion, it can’t be reversed.

Translator's Note

此时相望不相闻,愿逐月华流照君. These 2 lines are taken from Ruo Xu’s 的《春江花月夜》Spring River, Flower Moon Night.  It describes a person ‘s longing for loved ones who are far away. The imagery is of people who are thousands of miles apart, gazing at the same bright moon, wishing their loved ones well in their hearts. I think in English, the lyrics of the song “Somewhere out there” express similar sentiments

Translator's Note

麻衣 má yī, which means clothes made of burlap/hemp, these are also used as mourning attire to show filial piety.

Translator's Note

Ancient Chinese method of measurement, a ‘ren’ 仞 is approximately the length of a grown man’s arm.

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  1. This is Animeart — we went through fire and snow to get this chap out to you guys — it was one disaster after the other !! Even the posting almost got messed up!! but here we are .. Zaki is such a dedicated TL..

  2. If this were any other story, that boy traveling the steps would be either MC or ML. At least secondary ML. But nope. Seems he’s unimportant. XD

    ML, hurry up and pick up your wifey!

  3. Thanks for the chapter!!! I really want Xiao Shao to see Lin Shu’s pretty pavilion master look.

  4. Thanks for the translation. I feel sorry for the boy on the steps, but I get that it’s his decision and dedication. Nice to know that Lin Shu has kept ML in his heart. And the Wizard is so mysterious

  5. So we only get to see his indifference when it involves characters we barely know? Blaaah. Cop out.

    Thank you for the story regardless.