The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh134 - Flowing Flowers Intentionally


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Translator's Note

落花有意 :This is part of a Chinese proverb 落花有意, 流水无情 – which refers to unrequited love.

Translator's Note

Previously called Parts of Ten Thousand Creation”

Translator's Note

璧人 refers to jade people – to liken someone to jade is a compliment that they are very good looking.

Translator's Note

previously called Ruthless Dao

Translator's Note

One party is willing, yet the other one is indifferent – usually referring to unrequited love.

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  1. Mmm… I still think both will have to become mortals to be happy.

    LS still has two needless, right?Thanks for the chapter♡

  2. He might not be able to tap into those emotions but he still cares about his big miss. It’s really touching 🥺

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. What ‘no friends worth mentioning’ you have a circle of friends ah 😭

    Lmao this novel is a gem in letting us see male ml x female mc, female ml x male mc, female ml x female mc, and male ml x male mc 😆 so much variations