The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh133 - Harmonious Swords


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Translator's Note

previously translated at its Pinyin; Yuan Ying.

Translator's Note

Nascent Soul at infancy, previously translated at its Pinyin, Yuan shen

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  1. Is there going to be a backstory about their sword techniques..?

    Because this chapter had me wondering, since the Sword Pavilion is well known for their lack of desires and cold attitude, then why… is their peerless script called <<Endless Yearning>>?

    Because if there is, Everlasting Yearning’s Empty Valley of No Return & Solitude’s Sorrowful Autumn, Everlasting Yearning’s Unseeing Tianhe & Solitude’s Drifting Apart.. sounds like a huge angst flags (⊙▽⊙ ;;) Thank you for the chapter! 💙💙