The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh132 - Forgotten Love


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Translator's Note

referring to ladies.

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  1. Will Lin Shu have to transmigrate back to the modern world along with Xiao Shao so they can cut his cultivation once more and live peacefully and feel emotions???

    Just making guesses, but my guesses are usually pretty accurate, so I hope this happens!!!

    Thanks for the chapter 😄

    • I think he’ll have to get higher in cultivation. To get to the point of so cold it burns or understand a certain Dao. Think his master may had done that too since he was known to just travel and be free but was also known for being skilled.

  2. This chapter Made feel such a deep sadness. Like Lin Shu I don’t have any more feelings. Their story has been built on so much miss encounters that I’m not sure anymore of their figure.

  3. I really didn’t what happened here..

    Did lin shu lost his cultivation completely? Why did he become cold suddenly and why was he crying as if he lost something?

  4. It wasn’t described per se, but I could just imagine Lin Shu looking at Xiao Shao with such tender and loving eyes in the previous chapters, so how worrying and heartbreaking it must have been for Xiao Shao to see his beloved get unconscious one moment and then wake up with a cold and emotionless expression. And then, it was like understanding slowly dawned on Xiao Shao in the silence, and he could only say, “Your hands are cold.” LIKE 😭😭😭 ??? MY POOR HEART😭 To think this happened in their most intimate moment. This is so cruel to both of them, and it’s especially sad because NO ONE was at fault and it’s been fated to happen ever since the beginning of their story.