The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh125 - Snowfield


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Translator's Note

in martial arts world rivers and lakes refers to jianghu.

Translator's Note

not a typo, Fruit, or Xiao Wu Que, loves wearing girls clothes and putting on rouge, coz although he is a boy, she is a girl at heart and so others are seeing him as a girl. And the parents are indulging him to do whatever he wants.

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  1. Well, I’m confused. So fruit came to possess folding bamboo and that’s why it’ll be able to get a shape. Then, if fruit bears fruit , the new fruit will also live independently of identical sorrow and only enlighten the sword, or will they be fused together since it’ll be a girl??

    And, that guy in the ice coffin, could it be himself?? Cause de has ice affinity, right? Or not?

    Thanks for the chapter 😌