The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh108 - Get Married


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Translator's Note

Tinnitus is when you experience ringing or other noises in one or both of your ears. The noise you hear when you have tinnitus isn’t caused by an external sound, and other people usually can’t hear it.

Translator's Note

knot hair or bind up one’s hair—come of age; bind together two locks of hair respectively from the bride and groom using a bun at a wedding ceremony—get married

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  1. Whew!!! Okay! He said no more cover-up, no more disguise… Who could it be? Next chapter is the revelation of the real Ling Fengxiao!!!!..Ackkkk I can’t wait.

  2. Badass Lin Shu🤩 also omggggggg the revelation! I’m so excited!!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. I think Lin Shu’s mind is going to crash and need a restart to fully proccess what happened in the next chapter….

    thanks for the chapter!!!

  4. Oh my this chapter was epic! And they got married???? Aaaaaah!!! No more disguise!!!

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  5. Although I’m quite enjoying the process, I can’t help thinking that forcefully opening up Lin Shu’s meridians would have ended with less pain for him in the end. Even though Ling Fengxiao couldn’t have known that, plus it also comes with other troubles like trying not to ascend… Just can’t help thinking that they would then be in a better situation currently