Marshal, Please Calm DownCh73 - The Stubborn Marshal


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  1. They would probably be more surprised that Scott is actually dating a real live person than the fact that WZM is an ordinary person (not thet he is tho.. But) Haha, I’m starting to miss school tbh (online class is just too much)

    Thank you for the chapter! ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Thank you for the chapter!!!😍 I’m so looking forward to Master Haley and Wu Zimo working together. I bet, his program translated for battleships will be epic.

  3. This is really, really cute. I have so much sympathy for Scott, getting thru to dear Xiao Mo Mo is going to be a long road,,,

  4. Just my complaint with this novel. 72 chapters in and we are still dealing with the gossips with very minimal progress between MC and ML.