Marshal, Please Calm DownCh71 - Programming Master


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Translator's Note

酒香怕巷子深 -> the opposite of which means “fragrant wine is not afraid of deep alleys”. In other words, if wine was well brewed, there would be people who would smell the fragrance and come to taste it even in deep alleys.

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  1. Ayyyeee baby face gang✌

    WZM and Fran will form a great friendship/father son relationship I think!

    Thanks for the chapter~♡

  2. Aww, I’ve always been too tall and big for my baby face to be effective! 😂


    ”Master Haley’s parents had been the last commander of the Heaven’s Wrath Corps’s personal guards…>Master Haley’s parents had been the personal guards of the last commander of the Heaven’s Wrath Corps… [sounds a bit less clunky]

    ”Only Scott’s grandfather and one other guard were able to return to safety… > should be ”return safely” i.e. uninjured, as ”return to safety” means a safe space and they were not the only ones who returned to safety.

    ”He was even more keen with programs, a bit like Wu Zimo’s. > like Wu Zimo.

  3. Dude I SO understand the pain of having a baby face. Friendly taxi drivers always ask me what senior/junior high I’m enrolling & why I’m taking a cab alone like um hello mister I’m already in my 30s & have a job please do kindly leave me alone 😭

    • I’m 27 and skinny so I look like 14 🤦‍♀️ I have a baby and everybody look at me like 😱 a underage with a baby 😰

  4. Baby face gang lol 😆

    I went in the over 21 line at a festival last year and the attendant thought I got in the wrong line lol

    I was like I’m a decade past that line ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  5. Two great minds, finally they started dealing with the war against zergs, thought the autor forgot it…

    Thank you for the chapter!!

  6. Thanks for the chapter ^^

    I just caught up after binging this series for 3 days straight so thank you for all your hard work <3