Marshal, Please Calm DownCh69 - Lucky Wu Zimo


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Translator's Note

天赋 -> Can be “gifted” or “innate”

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  1. Lmao I think Daji is pretty cute, an idiot but cute nonetheless. Rocard is definitely looking for gossip lol. And I’m really curious as to what Ares is?

    Thanks for the chapter~♡

  2. I have a feeling Daji would be good friends with Aries since they are both scared of Caesar 😓😓😓😓

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. doesn’t ares’ ability seem like an all-rounder? getting upgrades and he isn’t even in his final form XD [thank you for the chapter S2]

  4. Thank you for the chapter!!! Looks like the programming master is levelling up, too. They are such a well matched pair, the Marshal is highly skilled in combat, while Wu Zimo is skilled towards protection. 👌