Marshal, Please Calm DownCh68 - Rocard: The Way You Treat Wu Zimo Is Too Peculiar


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Translator's Note

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  1. Im excited to see their reactions when they finally realize WZM is a guide all along~ ( ≥3≤)/*

    Thanks for the chapter~

  2. thank you for the chapter ❤️ [oof… their brain holes will create a big misunderstanding…]

  3. Huhuhu they are slowly discovering the truth! Marshal, don’t worry too much about your peculiarities with Zimo~ It’s natural haha

    Thank you for the chapter!

  4. Yup, you got it, there was a quantum beast present, Wu Zimo’s beast to be exact. So Scott really sensed Ares’s presence and barged into Zimo’s room. And now we know that the Marshal who has never reacted to any pheromones before, reacted to Wu Zimo’s. GJ! Please, more!!!

    Thank you for the chapter!!!😘

  5. So Wu Zimo next course meal include preserved duck eggs cooked with insects?

  6. Lol, they’re considering everything but the obvious.

  7. These boys are forgetting about Ockum’s razor.


    乁 ˘ o ˘ ㄏ

    The simplest answer is most likely the correct answer, i.e. Wu Zimo=guide.

    Thanks for the chapter! (≧▽≦)

  8. Aww Scott just wanted to protect wu zimo from the mysterious aura entity… also is Rocard gonna get more work now?

  9. Ahhh…just…I’m too impatient. I don’t want negative consequences from hiding Wu Zimo’s guide identity. I want Scott and Rocard to find out quickly and help protect him.

    Thank you for the update!

  10. Wow so that our meng egg made such huge uproar, but there’s no way Little Zimo will explain this kkkkkkk

    Thank you for the chapter!