Marshal, Please Calm DownCh075 - A’Mo: Malice From the Universe


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Translator's Note

Translator's Note

Basically means the same thing as Mary Sue, or OP protagonist, Yamamoto Nadeshiko, etc, etc.

Translator's Note

Short for chunnibyou

Translator's Note

秋风落叶的萧瑟敢 -> not literal trembling, but feeling desolate (with a backdrop of dead leaves blowing around)

Translator's Note

WZM specifically uses the word for “birth”

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  1. Scott is just jumping through levels here🤣🤣🤣 He hasn’t even taken him on a date, how is WZM accept your proposal!?! Also what happened to the friends? Have they’ve been forgotten?

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡

    • most probably yes. As far as I remember, the internship lasted one month for the group, but contrary to his schoolmates, he was directly accepted into Heavens Wrath Corps. So I think as long as those guys aren’t sent to the battlefield, we won’t see anything more of them. Well, that’s just my opinion… don’t know if I’m correct, let’s wait and see 😀

  2. Thank you for the chapter!!! I missed their interactions. 😍 I so want to see the faces of people on a battleship, when Wu Zimo would enter his lightspeed typing mode like he did during the assessment. I want his to be friends with Lao Yu.

  3. Thank youuuuu.

    I cant wait to see their lovey dovey momentss

  4. So what was the universe malice thing? Did the Marshal announce his engagement with WZM?

  5. We haven’t even gotten to the point of Scott making his feelings clear to Wu Zimo. He’s still stuck in the pining stage.

    Also, I know this is a slow burn story, but so far it feels like 10 chapters of the rumor mill reacting to literally nothing. I feel like it could have been spread out better in between developing Scott and building chemistry between the leads. I still love the story though!

  6. I miss Lyle and his gong. But i really look forward to the lovey dovey moments of Scott and WZM 😍. I hope it willl be soon~~~

    Thank you for the chapter! 😘💕

  7. Hahah mom is super interested in her son’s potential suitors 🙂

    “As for leaving Rocard in charge of this problem, well then, “ is there supposed to be more after this?

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  8. Haha Scott already think of Wu Zimo marrying into the Alman family but they are not even in a relationship yet!

    Thanks for the chapter