Marshal, Please Calm DownCh061 - The Petty Marshal


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Translator's Note

Not literally, but along the same vein as ‘sailing a ship’ ;)

Translator's Note

sexual/ vulgar fantasies

Translator's Note

of the ‘virtuous wife’ variety

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  1. Gossips leads to suffering. A marshal’s pettiness 101. Rocard seeking death once more. Thanking Callis-sama for the chapter! ♡

  2. Thank you for the chapter!!! Yup, gossiping about wrong people leads to suffering. I’m looking forward to the lesson tought to the ‘gossiping aunties’ from the dining hall. 🤣😆😂

  3. Haha they really are too idle~ the marshal was right in increasing their work keke

    Thank you for the chapter!

  4. Fu fu fu ~ what a misunderstanding! I wanna see Caesar following Wu Zimo all the time and keeping kneading him! But more than these I wanna see Wu Zimo development of new programs and some AI that belongs only to him, and to mess with the Interestelar network of others, and that Zerg signal! What happened with the Zerg signal?

    Thank you for translating the chapter!!!

  5. Caesar is going to follow Wu Zimo around? Poor Ares Will be really scared.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. For real tho, can Wu Zimo endure the Marshal? I mean, Scott is one of the strongest sentinels, and Wu Zimo’s body in getting weaker… His hips gonna snap.

  7. Most deadly army corps, consisting of a bunch of gossipy aunties.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  8. I like that even in the military, they’re still able to gossip a little and have fun. Wu Zimo’s casual relationship with everyone is so much fun. I look forward to seeing more of Scott being petty!

  9. So Wu Zimo going get a big box for Ceasar to stay in every time he tries to follow him?