Marshal, Please Calm DownCh060 - I Almost Dropped My Disguise


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Translator's Note

Internet cursing, more specifically “妈的智障”

Translator's Note

Insulators have high resistance

Translator's Note

破罐子破摔 -> Mistakes, shortcomings, etc should be let go; don’t correct it or make it worse

Translator's Note

Not quite scent, but aura? spirit?

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  1. He was so close to getting it, but because of this thing called the plot, Scott just had to derive off the right track!

    Thank you for the chapter~!

  2. i wonder when he’s gonna meet his schoolmates.

    What is Ares’ power, will he stay as an oversized egg?

  3. Lmao Its so funny. Scott is thinking up so many complicated scenarios when in reality it’s just Wu Zimo hiding that he is a guide. Gosh I’m so pumped for the reveal lol.

    Thanks for the chapter~♡

  4. I am sure Scott must be shocked right now 🤔 I mean it’s the first time he felt something similar to lust, right?

    Thanks for the chapter! 🤗

  5. Thank you for the chapter!

    The pheromone training 😂🤣😆 poor Scott, he’s been through a lot, rofl. Also Scott’s musings are interesting. I really want to see his face when he uncovers the truth about Wu Zimo. What will their compatibility be?

    Also, I agree with the translator. Sentinels and guides seems to be similar to Alphas and Omegas, especially the pheromone-based attraction. It’s just that guides are not as weak as omegas and there is no M-pregnancy (I think, please correct me it I’m wrong).

  6. Scott, when will you find out about your Zimo? And yeah, this really seems like ABO logic except the ‘O’s are a bit stronger physically and they aren’t sexes/genders.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  7. Yup, reminds me of ABO too. But the guides here seems to be respected beings and not just some breeding machines (I hate ABO’s with that kinda setting).

    Seems like Ares is still good enough at hiding their aura lol

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

    • Ares’ ability to hide their aura is completely unmatched. I’m guessing, either it was because he was simply too overjoyed about his own development, so he forgot to activate his hiding-ability, or he can’t hide the aura while showing his new learned ability.. but I think it will be explained in one of the following chapters.

  8. sigh Scott will never find out the truth at this rate unless Wu Zimo literally brings out Ares in front of him!

    Thank you for the chapter!

  9. He was so close but then he went to that ‘there was a guide hiding in Wu Zimo’s room’ plot. Damn. Like, not even a bit suspicion? Aren’t you supposed to be the goddamn mARSHAL SCOTT.

  10. And he says it’s impossible for a guide to be hiding amongst his people but it’s perfectly possible for a random guide to just hide in Wu Zimo’s room? WU ZIMO’S. The room that he had to use his marshal authority to break into. And just anyone could go there under Wu Zimo’s nose to suddenly release their pheromenos and to AGAIN suddenly dissappear? Under all that high security in their base? Scott YOU’RE THE MARSHAL. Is your IQ offline??

    • He lost it the moment he sensed those pheromones. Who knows, maybe since the experience was a first for him, he couldn’t think straight and all…

  11. As far as I know, Sentinels and guides aren’t supposed to have any pheromone thing going on?

    The whole Sentinel/guide dynamic is based of the show “Sentinel” right?

    In the show, guides are more like, well spirit guides. They’re not soul mates or anything. I mean, they could be in a relationship, or it could be a blood brother sort of dynamic. (As the main character in the show, canon-ly, has with his guide) But there was no pheromone thing.

  12. Shhh Ares. You’ll still be alive after you’re eaten.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  13. Sounds very much like ABO.

    Btw: if you don’t like ‘scent’ then ‘trace’?

    Thank you.

  14. Ares can cheer himself up, fufufu. So cute.

    I’m still dissatisfied for Scott’s behaviour, last chapter wasn’t the first time. He also went into Wu Zimo’s laboratory instead of Just call him that other time. But I can understand that Scott has gone through a training that should prevent this kind of reaction. So he’s really shocked to learn there’s really someone capable of agitate him.


  15. We’re about 1/4 of the way done, I just want Scott to learn the truth soon!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  16. Wait, wait, wait…hold that boat for just a moment. Both Sentinels AND guides can go ‘into heat’? I thought it was just the sentinels who were going manic and POOF! buh bye sentinel due to a brain storm. …Is THIS why the MC can’t find any information about guides online?

  17. It didn’t really passed by Scotts mind that Wu Zimo could be a guide…. Tsk, I wanted him to have doubts and go after Xiao Zimo and keep teasing him!!

    Thank you for the chapter! (≧▽≦)

  18. Lighting candles for WZM’s ** once his quantum beast is exposed 🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯

    It’s hard to train for pheromone resistance when you don’t react to anyone else’s pheromones 😬Thanks for the chapter!!!

  19. This doesn’t seem to be the usual Sentinel/Guide setting? I’m not sure how I feel about the author trying to ‘spice things up’ with the addition of ABO characteristics because it feels… cheap, somehow.

    Thanks for the chapter anyway!

  20. I can’t denied that I want centern guid to be exposed and me laughing all the way at how funny that scene would and also I’m lifting “candles🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ for someone’s chrysanthemum” when he does get discovered, the big Revealed. Hahahaha……ha!