Marshal, Please Calm DownCh052 - A’ Mo: Male God, Your Image is Quickly Cracking


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Translator's Note

The cool used in the first part of the sentence (酷) is not the same one used here (帅). 帅 can mean handsome, cool, etc.

Translator's Note

Can also mean imagination

Translator's Note

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  1. HeeHeeHee Scott acting cute like caesar in order to appeal to Wu Zimo is sooo adorable that I’m willing to eat all the dog food they shove in my face. I’m with the rest of the Heavenly Corps, they’re a perfect ship~!

    Thanks for the chapter~!

  2. Hehe those little gossiping elites are so cute~ Watch them get even more shocked at Zimo’s prowess!

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. Thank you for the chapter!!! I’m a sucker for this type of stories. Especially those gossiping soldiers, they are so cute!😂 Wu Zimo still hasn’t shown his true colours, so they are in for a surprise. I wonder how long he will be able to keep his awakaning a secret.

  4. Lmfao, is this the Marshall’s double way of staking public claim and having a pseudo date?? I salute you, sir!!

    Thank you for the chapter!

  5. Thanks for the new translated chapter (人•͈ᴗ•͈).

  6. I wonder how long Caesar will sulk at not being let out.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  7. “ For gossip about the Marshal, the elites of the Heaven’s Wrath Corps were really willing to risk it all!“ This is my favorite part this entire chapter 😂

  8. Thank you for the update!!!

    Hehe the two of them already feeding dog food to the others in the base ~~~~~

  9. Welcome to the ship, comrades!


  10. Wu Zimo didn’t seem to notice that the underground shelter could also be used for “rough ahem” with Scott almost all day and night with no interruptions, Scotts bedroom,office and the underground shelter for sex!

  11. This whole chapter was full of dog food that I’m willing to eat!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕