Marshal, Please Calm DownCh049 - Ares: Master, I’m Afraid that the Big Black Cat Will Gobble Me Up!


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Translator's Note

A soft fruit

A kind of soft fruit

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  1. I’m curious when Wu Zimo will finally tell everyone he’s a guide (or is found out XD). It can’t be that long anymore right, or will the author wait until the novel’s nearly finished?

    Thanks for the chapter! (≧▽≦)

  2. Thank you for the update ❤️

    Ares is cute, his name just doesn’t fit his personality. Hahaha..

  3. Aww everyone is working hard! Little Zimo, is your little Ares going to hatch into a big dinosaur?

    Thank you for the chapter!

  4. … Dark Guide? Or… Ares is someting or someone from higher dimension? Ay, whats point of guesing

    Thanks for transleting, muah~

  5. I can’t wait to see Lao yu and Da Li’s reactions when they find out that it was A’Mo ,who got the best of them. Hehehe

  6. I wonder what specifically attracts Caesar? Like a smell or just a feeling?

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

    • Maybe the attraction between them is too much – like the Marashal and WZM, even if Ares is inside a space. Like, Ares’ aura leaks out even if he’s in WZM’s space, coz WZM’s spiritual energy (?) is too great to be detected (i think). The master affects his beast, too.

  7. Thank you for the update!

    Though, I wanted to ask. In previous chapters(forgot which) it was said there was 119 interns. Now without Momo, shouldn’t it be 118 interns?

    • Mhm, you’re right. In chapter 43 there were 119 students assembled. Now there are only 108. Add onto them our MC, then it means 10 students have gone missing during the journey.. I guess the author created a wormhole and sucked them away (forgot about them).

  8. Ares is such a cute baby. Hehehe.

    It’s good to see the others’ training.

    Thanks for the chapter!